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Home automation for hotels and hotels: the trends that will dominate 2019

Domotica per hotel e alberghi: le tendenze che domineranno il 2019


In recent days the Consumer Electronics Show ( (CES) was held in Las Vegas, an annual event focused on consumer electronics rather transversal, which embraces sectors such as of video games up to home automation. Precisely in this context, what will be the trends for 2019 relating to home automation for hotels and hotels emerged. Let's find out, then, how hotel rooms will embrace technology in the next 12 months.

The touch screen to manage the parameters of the rooms

The technological push in the hotel automation sector seems to lead more and more towards a scenario in which the rooms will be equipped with a touch screen system thanks to which it will be possible to manage numerous parameters simply with the touch of your hand. These new systems, therefore, will constitute a sort of particularly powerful communication control unit, capable of integrating control elements that are also very different from each other such as the management of heating, lighting or door opening and closing. Everything will be managed through an icon-based graphic interface, very similar to that of smartphones, giving the guest a user experience that is reminiscent of that offered today by Android and iOS devices.

The smartphone increases the security of hotels and hotels

If the room is managed through a touchscreen interface inserted inside the room itself, some elements related to security could be controlled directly from your smartphone. In the era of home automation for hotels, the opening of doors will be increasingly managed through special apps that will allow unlocking and therefore entry into the desired room. In this way, the keys to be collected at the reception are definitively sent to the attic, a system that now appears obsolete.

Lighting technology applied to accommodation facilities

The experience offered by a hotel room embraces all the senses: touch, smell and of course also sight. This is why the latest home automation trends for hotels also embrace lighting, offering integrated solutions for managing the lights inside the room. Special control units and relays transform the environment giving great freedom to the user, who can thus manage the lighting of his room in an intuitive way, for example by programming the switching on or off, as well as the intensity and brightness.

Artificial intelligence enters the chamber

The arrival on the market of products equipped with artificial intelligence and voice interface, that is, capable of responding to requests spoken aloud, is a trend that does not only involve domestic environments, but also hotels and hotels. As proof of this, the big IT giants are already experimenting with new formulas for introducing devices such as Google Home Assistant and Amazon Echo into hotels. Thanks to this new addition, guests will be able to "talk to the room", and make the most disparate requests explicit. It is possible to ask questions about the weather or traffic conditions, but also to request news and playback of playlists. In addition, there is the opportunity to manage the automation of temperature and lights, but also to control the coffee machine. In this way, home automation enters into symbiosis with the so-called "internet of things" ( Tecnologia/tutto-quello-che-ce-da-sapere-sullinternet-of-things- in-x-questions-and-answers), which has already begun to appear in hotels and hotels.

Not just extravagance: hotel automation is here to stay

One might have thought that these technological innovations only involve large hotels and the most prestigious hotels, but this is not the case. In the coming years, home automation will represent the standard for environments that want to define themselves as truly smart and capable of offering value to travelers.

The applications of home automation for hotels and hotels are unlimited: security systems evolve, guaranteeing greater control even in particularly serious cases such as fires, gas leaks or flooding. The management of the entire structure, and not just of the single room, can be delegated to a programmable control unit, which is also able to memorize scenarios to be put into practice at the appropriate time.

Porte Italiane helps hotels throughout Italy to enter the world of home automation, modernizing the experience offered to guests. Contact us us for more information, and find out now some of ours:

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