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Do home automation systems improve homes and hotels? Yes: here's how

Gli impianti di domotica migliorano case e hotel? Sì: ecco come


Talking about home automation systems and smart homes is an increasingly important topic. The repercussions of this issue affect people's lives in a much more evident way than we think. The tariff war between the United States and China, for example, also has consequences on the management of the 5G network, destined to convey the data flows of the home automation solutions of the future.

Understanding the practical effect of these technologies can help you understand what opportunity you have in front of you when you decide to modernize your home, or your hotel.

Below, then, we offer a quick overview of the positive changes that home automation brings to homes and hospitality environments, also focusing on the cost of these solutions.

domotica hotel

Italy is a country of old houses, and this can be good

We know well that Italy is the country of a thousand historic villages and large medieval cities. The very conformation of the Italian territory has often forced to build on impervious land, in a more or less legal way. The result of all this, today, is that the Bel Paese is dotted with old and non-compliant houses, as shown in this article. These are the major problems:

· Many residential buildings are in poor or poor condition

Over 74% of residential buildings in Italy were built before 1981

· Most buildings are energy inefficient

If on the one hand all this constitutes a problem, on the other it is certainly an opportunity. The renovation of buildings, or the reconstruction of the same, can benefit from the technological advances of recent years. Among these, then, there is no doubt home automation. In fact, home automation systems can improve the management of:


· temperature

· safety

ristruttura con la domotica

How to best use lights with do-it-yourself home automation systems

Making the most of light is one of the first remedies for wasting electricity. In this sense, home automation represents a possible help. As we wrote in this article some time ago, home automation systems dedicated to lighting are able to give more control over the lights in the home.

This means that, by installing the appropriate wireless or wired home automation control unit, which can also be controlled via smartphone, it is possible to manage the lighting in depth. It is possible to set predefined scenarios of use, as well as the automatic operation of light sources.

By doing so, your home will be lit appropriately and for the required period of time.

domotica e automazione

Manage the temperature with home and hotel automation systems

Temperature management is one of the major issues related to energy saving. Installing quality insulating frames and interior doors certainly helps to reduce consumption. When the climate becomes too hot or cold, however, it is necessary to turn on the air conditioners and heating systems.

In this sense, home automation comes to the rescue of hotels and homes. Modern automation systems ensure maximum efficiency of temperature management systems. Even in this case, in fact, it is possible to control all the most important parameters through the smartphone.

All this allows, for example, to turn on the air conditioner before arriving home, in order to find a welcoming environment when returning.

Security: home automation makes the home smart and protected

Installing advanced locks remains one of the best alternatives to protect your home or hotel rooms. However, this does not mean that the use of home automation also in the field of security allows for high-profile solutions.

Thanks to the remote control guaranteed by cameras and alarm systems, in fact, it is possible to receive real-time alerts on the smartphone. At the same time, the doors can be unlocked using the dedicated applications for Android, iOS and Windows PC.

domotica fai da te

The cost of a home automation system

The cost of home automation systems is a topic that has already been discussed in other articles. It is worth returning to the subject, however, to eliminate some doubts.

It should be made clear that to have a smart home, or to improve the offer of your hotel, it is not necessary to spend a lot. The expense is linked to your needs. The installation of a wireless control unit, as well as lighting or security systems, is certainly scalable, and starts from a few hundred euros.

In any case, the advice is to contact the experts of Porte Italiane: our experience in the field of home automation for hotels and homes will allow you to find the right solution for your needs.


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