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Internal and external doors FAQ: the answers to the most common questions

Porte interne ed esterne FAQ: le risposte alle domande più comuni

Internal and external doors FAQ: the answers to the most common questions

The world of interior and exterior doors is full of facets. There are many models, many styles, many application possibilities. For this reason, it is useful to make a brief summary of the most common questions asked by our customers. We hope they can be of use to those who are undecided whether or not to buy a new window or door.

For any other information, in any case, we are always available at 0941 912335 and 0941 901172, as well as at the email address
Is it possible to paint the exterior doors?

Generally speaking, yes. Before starting, however, you need to check the type of door material. Some fixtures have PVC compounds which are quite difficult to paint. If the door is made of wood, on the other hand, you can certainly proceed, after the appropriate preparations.
Are fire doors essential?

If the time has come to change the interior doors, fireproof models are an excellent alternative. Of course, in a normal domestic context this is not a top priority. It is above all the accommodation facilities that benefit from this type of fixtures. This does not mean that a fire resistant door can be very useful, especially in rooms of the house such as the kitchen.

Quando acquisto una porta avrò anche le maniglie?

When i buy a door, will i also have the handles?

The doors sold by Porte Italiane are complete with handles. When purchasing, you can choose your favorite model (where possible) quickly and easily. Depending on the type of window, the cost of the accessories may vary.
Is it normal for doors to deform after a while?

The doors, especially the wooden ones, are "living" elements. They react to the environment and to the action of external agents. For this reason, changes in size and shape may be encountered in certain cases. As a rule, this is nothing to worry about. However, when these dynamics lead to a more difficult use of the frame, it is necessary to intervene.

In less serious cases, you can act independently, as we explain in our special on repairing the most common door problems. In the most complex eventualities, however, the extent of the damage must be properly assessed, and a possible replacement must also be considered.

How to correctly measure the dimensions of the doors?

There is no universal procedure, obviously. The advice we can give is to start by measuring the width in three different places: above, in the middle and below. The largest figure will correspond to the width of the hole. The same procedure must be done for the height. It is necessary to measure both the left and the right side. The largest data (the variation will be limited in any case) corresponds to the desired parameter.

Finally, if you want to change only the door, but not the frame, it will also be necessary to take into account the depth.
Are there any incentives for the purchase of doors?

The latest regulatory measures have introduced opportunities on the purchase of doors and other furniture details. To get a clear picture of the situation, we refer you to reading our interactive guide to tax deductions and concessions.

La migliore serratura per la tua porta esterna

Which exterior door lock is better to choose?

Again, there is no universal answer. The type of home, its location, and many other factors need to be considered. In general, the choice falls on digital or cylinder alternatives. For more information, you can read our special on favorite locks for the home.
Other questions? Porte Italiane is always at your disposal

These were just some of the questions related to interior and exterior doors. The theme is very broad and, as expected, encompasses numerous factors. We haven't talked, for example, about the aesthetic question, and how to match the right fixtures to the style of your home. Or, we would have to discuss the issues of installation, laying, any masonry works. In short, a single special is not enough.

Porte italiane vi aiuta a scegliere le vostre porte interne

To get all the answers you are looking for, interact personally with our experts! You can do this by taking advantage of the assistance service via Whatsapp, always at your disposal.